This website is NOT meant to promote Nazism, the politics of Adolf Hitler, or any other political ideology. It deals with the subject of German military during a particular period of history nothing else.

Wehrmacht History 1935 to 1945


2nd September 1939

WWII Timeline

Events On This Day

Mr Chamberlain announces in the House of Commons that Germany's delay in replying to the British warning might be due to the consideration of a proposal, put forward by Mussolini, for a five power conference.

The British and French governments consulted on the question of a time limit for Adolf Hitler's reply.

Bill for compulsory military service for the British males, between the ages of 18 and 41 is passed.

Adolf Hitler sent a favourable answer to President Roosevelt's appeal against bombing open towns.

British government received pledges of support from Canada or Australia and New Zealand and from 46 Indian rulers.

Berlin officially denied that either gas or incendiary bombs have been used during raids on Polish towns.

The Wehrmacht continues. Its blitzkrieg campaign against Poland. The four border battles Silesia-Slovakia, Czestochowa, Pomerania, are all overwhelming victories for the Wehrmacht. The forces advancing from Germany join up with those from East Prussia units of the 10th army of Rudolf von Rundstedt Heeesgruppe Sud reach the river Warta. Having penetrated 50 miles into Polish territory in only 36 hours. In the South General Lists troops are on the outskirts of Krakow.
The Luftwaffe continues to have complete air superiority, having destroyed most of the Polish Airforce on the ground,

Go To: 3rd September


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The Second Great War.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton

The War Illustrated.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton

2194 Days Of War.
ISBN-10: 086136614X

For a complete list of sources
WWII News articles from around the world

WWII Timeline
World War Two Timeline, detailing every event, day by day from 1935 through to 1945.
WWII Timeline

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