Wehrmacht History 1935 to 1945



Aircraft Manufacturer


Horten was a German aircraft manufacturer, Run by the Horten brothers Walter and Reimar, they began building aircraft in the early thirties. Aircraft built by Horten include.

Aircraft Built

Horten Ho I was a single seat wooden construction with mainly fabric covering had a fixed landing skid

Horten Ho II Habicht was a single seat two sets of differential elevon and wingtip brakes with retractable nosewheel and faired rear wheel

Horten Ho III (Ho 250) was a single seat three sets of differential elevon and wingtip brakes and tandem wheel undercarriage with retractable nosewheel

Horten Ho IV (Ho 251) was a single seat three sets of differential elevon and wingtip brakes and a retractable landing skid

Horten Ho V (Ho 252) was a two seat single engine three sets of differential elevon and wingtip brakes and a non-retractable tricycle undercarriage

Horten Parabola was a single seat two sets of differential elevon controls tandem wheel undercarriage had a retracting nosewheel and a fixed rear wheel glider

Horten Ho VI (Ho 253) was a single seat glider similar to Ho IV except wing span increased

Horten Ho VII (Ho 227) was a single seat twin engines three sets of differential elevon and wingtip brakes

Horten Ho 229 (was often mistakenly called Gotha Go 229 due to the identity of the manufacturer of the aircraft) was a single seat Twin jet flying wing tailless fighter aircraft only three built

Major Internal Projects

Horten XIIIA Experimental flying wing glider to precede Ho XIIIB
Horten XIIIB Supersonic flying wing jet fighter with rocket boost
Horten XVIIIB Flying wing jet bomber

Other: Aircraft Manufacturers


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The Warplanes of the Third Reich.
ISBN-10: 0385057822

German Aircraft of the Second World War.
ISBN-10: 0370000242

Hitler's Luftwaffe.
ISBN-10: 051718771X

For a complete list of sources
WWII News articles from around the world

WWII Timeline
World War Two Timeline, detailing every event, day by day from 1935 through to 1945.
WWII Timeline

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