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Wehrmacht History 1935 to 1945


16th June 1940

WWII Timeline

Events On This Day

German attacks renewed on the whole front. To south east of Paris German troops crossed the seine near Melun and Fontainebleau. advanced elements pushed past Auxerre in direction of Clamecy and Avallon. To the south of plateau of Langres armoured columns reached the region north of Dijon, and River Saône above Gray, and light elements crossed the river.

French cabinet held three meetings to consider the situation. Draft declaration of Solemn act of union between Britain and France was submitted to them by British Ambassador, Sir Ronald Campbell.

Reynaud cabinet resigned. Marshall Pétain formed new government with himself as premier and General Weygand as vice president of the council.

The British Admiralty announced the destruction of four Italian submarines in the Mediterranean area.

Tobruk, Libyan port, again raided by the British Royal Air Force (RAF) and considerable damage done.

South African Airforce attacked Iavello and Mega, Italian East Africa.

Italian aircraft bombed Sollum, Sidi Barrani and Mersa Matruh, Egypt-Libya frontier. Tank fight also took place at Sollum, with Italian losses. Two air raids made on Malta.

Go To: 17th June


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The Second Great War.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton

The War Illustrated.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton

2194 Days Of War.
ISBN-10: 086136614X

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