Wehrmacht History 1935 to 1945


14th December 1943

WWII Timeline

Events On This Day

Twelfth Air Force. United States Army Air Force (USAAF) medium bombers hit Orte, concentrating on marshalling yard. Light bombers attack road bridge South West of Pontecorvo in front of United States Fifth Army lines. P-40 fighter-bombers hit bridges South of Roccasecca and East of Atina. A-36 Apache dive bomber destroy bridge at Ceprano and bomb railroad yards, town area, and highway at Sora, and docks and town area of Civitavecchia.

Fifteenth Air Force. More than 150 United States Army Air Force (USAAF) B-17 Flying Fortress heavy bombers and B-24 Liberator heavy bombers, with fighters escorts, bomb Kalamaki, Eleusis, and Tatoi airfields. Heavy bombers claim 10 fighters shot down.

Fourteenth Air Force. 13 United States Army Air Force (USAAF) B-25 Mitchell medium bombers, with fighters escort, bomb Shasi. 6 P-40 fighters on armed reconnaissance strafe Gia Lam airfield and railroad yard. 2 others strafe supply trucks South of Tengchung.

Fifth Air Force. In heaviest raid to date in SWPA, 228 B-24 Liberator heavy bombers, B-25 Mitchell medium bombers, and A-20 Havoc light bombers bomb Arawe in an almost continuous attack from 0645 to 1548. Gasmata is hit by B-25 Mitchell medium bombers and B-26 Marauder medium bombers. P-39 fighters strafe barges along Huon Peninsula. B-24 Liberator heavy bombers on armed reconnaissance hit Saidor, Gasmata, and Unea.

Thirteenth Air Force. 18 United States Army Air Force (USAAF) B-24 Liberator heavy bombers, with fighters support, bomb positions on Sohano Island. 18 B-25 Mitchell medium bombers and 8 fighters hit Manob village East of Buka Passage. Other Thirteenth Air Force fighters hit gun positions, command targets, and other targets at scattered points in Bougainville-Shortland areas and cover Navy dive bomber strikes against antiaircraft positions in Chabai area.

Seventh Air Force. 16 United States Army Air Force (USAAF) B-24 Liberator heavy bombers, flying out of bases in Ellice Islands, bomb Maloelap.

Go To: 15th December


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The Second Great War.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton

The War Illustrated.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton

2194 Days Of War.
ISBN-10: 086136614X

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